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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

maxillary and mandibular nerve

maxillary and mandibular nerve

Maxillary Nerve Branches

A. Zygoticaticotemporal
B. Zygomaticofacial
C. Post. Sup. Alveolar Brs
D. Nasopalatine
E. Greater Palatine
F. Lesser Palatine
G. Mid. & Ant. Alveolar Brs
H. Infraorbital


Mandibular Nerve Branches

A. Auriculotemporal
B. Lingual
C. Inferior Alveolar
D. N. to the Mylohyoid
E. Mental
F. Buccal


Facial Nerve Branches-Branchiomotor

he branchiomotor component of the facial nerve controls the muscle of facial expression through five branches which are distributed in the superfical fascia of the head and neck. These branches include:
Temporal - auricular and fronto-occipitalis muscles
Zygomatic - muscles of the zygomatic arch and orbit
Buccal - muscles in the cheek and above the mouth
Mandibular - muscles in the region of the mandible
Cervical - the platysma muscle

Facial Nerve Branch-Special Sensory-Chorda Tympani
The special sensory component of the facial nerve transmits taste through the chorda tympani which leaves the lingual nerve and enters the skull through the petrotympanic fissure. The chorda tympani then joins the geniculate ganglion on the medial wall of the tympanic cavity.
Chorda Tympani


Innervation & Blood Supply of the Teeth

1 Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve (CN V2) 
2 Superior alveolar nerve
3 Infraorbital artery
4 Infraorbital nerve
5 Superior dental nerve plexus
6 Inferior dental nerve plexus
7 External carotid artery
8 Inferior alveloar nerve
9 Inferior alveolar artery
10 Lingual nerve
11 Maxillary artery
12 Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve (CN V3)
13 Trigeminal ganglion
14 Ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve (CN V1) :angry


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